My role: User Interface Designer
Design tools: Adobe XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
About the project: ​​Healtea, a tea recipe app, is a responsive application, designed both for mobile and tablet. It was developed and designed for users to easily find any tea recipe based on their personal needs. It will let users read about health benefits, purchase needed ingredients, save favorite drinks, and receive personalized recipes. This case study includes research of direct competitors, data analysis, primary and secondary persona, information architecture, user flows, digital wireframes, clickable prototype, testing, mood board, style tile, and high fidelity clickable prototypes.​​​​​​​
Challenges: My first challenge for this project was to find out which and how much information needed to be used. The second challenge was the IA - how to layout the information for a user to easily perceive it. The third challenge was to adapt mobile layout to tablet.

Solution: My solution to the first challenges was to research relevant apps, analyze what is working and what isn’t, read articles about tea consumers, their demographics, preferences, and etc. The solution to the second challenge came with experimentation. I created a set of icons; picked a warm and welcoming color palette that will connect with a user on an emotional level; add simplicity and lots of white space between elements. Solution to the third challenge came with research and understanding the difference between mobile and tablet layout. I added some complexity and additional elements, while keeping the same visual voice.​​​​​​​
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